Transformation Coaching
Creating More of Heaven on Earth
Tuesday Group Coaching Sessions
Healing comes in being heard.
Do you ever wonder what happened in the communication when you meant well, and simply wanted someone to hear you, but you were left feeling upset or the other person was upset?
I have certainly experienced that, and became curious as to what was at the heart of that. One thing is how we, for the most part, are taught to listen for agreement or argument. There is another filter to listen through.
How do you listen? What are you listening for? Come join us Tuesday evening, Oct.25th, 2022 from 6:30-7:30pm EST as we discover together patterns of listening and ways of communicating that cause upset and alienation when what you yearned for was connection and understanding.
Sign Up Today.
4th Tuesday each month: $30
Oct. 25, 2022
6:30pm EST on Zoom
Register & Pay above with Paypal or Credit Card
Email Joyce for more info: